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This system measures the force that is required to make a mouse or rat release its grip. It is ideal to measure the effects of drugs, toxins, muscle relaxants, disease, ageing or neural damage on muscle strength.
The rat or mouse is placed over a Perspex plate, in front of a grasping trapeze. Rodents instinctively grab anything they can to try to stop this involuntary backward movement. The will continue to grip the trapeze until the pulling force overcomes their grip strength. After the animal loses its grip, the peak preamplifier automatically stores the peak pull forceshows it on a liquid crystal display A complete system is comprised of the follow components:
1. A base plate of black sand-blasted Perspex, complete with uprightopen-side boss-head
2. A grasping-bar a grasping trapeze is also supplied
3. A force transducer of adjustable height, provided with connection cable & connector to the peak amplifier
4. A peak amplifier
Peak Preamplifier